Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Miscellaneous news

Upcoming CPPS Lectures

3 November: Maurice Moloney (Rothamsted Research); title tbc
23 February: Julian Ma (St George's, University of London); 'Molecular Pharming'
Both lectures will take place at the Dept of Plant Sciences, Cambridge, 16:00-17:00, followed by networking over wine and nibbles.

BSPB Hybrid Crop Factsheet released

The British Society for Plant Breeders has released a new fact sheet on Hybrid Crops; it can be downloaded from http://www.bspb.co.uk/BSPB%20Hybrid%20Crop%20Factsheet.pdf.   

Potato genome sequenced: Set to revolutionise breeding and ensure food security

UK scientists, as part of an international consortium, have sequenced the genome of potato - the first major UK crop plant to be fully sequenced. This news holds great promise for speeding up the traditionally time-consuming process of developing new varieties (currently 10-12 years to breed a new variety); varieties that in many cases will help to ensure future food security due to improved yield, quality, nutritional value, and resistance to pests and diseases.

For more information please visit http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/news/food-security/2011/110710-pr-potato-genome-revolutionise-breeding.aspx?utm_source=MailingManager&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=BBSRCNewsJuly2011.

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